100 Best Blogs for MBA Students

. Saturday, March 14, 2009

A student of the 2009 batch put up this link in the Facebook Group that we have started for the 2010 batch. This is a very useful link for, especially for aspirants wanting to apply to schools and want an inside knowledge of what the student body feels like.

100 Best Blogs for MBA Students.

One of the factors that really helped in opting for Queen's School of Business is the blogs maintained by 'appleseed', Ramzi Asfour, and 'Indian Blogger'. Appleseed and Ramzi are currently pursuing his their MBA in QSB and 'Indian Blogger' is Queen's alum, whom I had the opportunity to meet quite recently. The student blogs of any school offer that extra dimension that can aid in your decision making.

'Bizgirl' is a 2010 batch student and she has started blogging on her MBA journey. You might find that useful too.

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